Prime Roots Launches Meals Featuring Plant-Based Proteins at Whole Foods
Prime Roots, a plant-based meat producer will bring high quality, meat-free meals to eaters through their latest partnership with Whole Foods. Fresh off their sold-out bacon launch, Prime Roots understands that their community of eaters crave clean plant-based alternatives to their favorite meats, and the company is excited to showcase and let consumer try their Koji-based chicken, beef, and bacon in chef-prepared, convenient fresh plant-based meals. Customers can look forward to flavorful, protein-packed meals ranging from comforting classics like "Bacon" Mac and Cheese to exciting, unique flavors and dishes like their Hawaiian Shoyu Chicken.
Prime Roots leverages their natural Koji-based platform technology to create minimally-processed meals. Prime Roots meats are gluten-free and soy-free and are made with...
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