McDonald's to Celebrate National Egg McMuffin Day, As Breakfast Wars Heat Up
With Wendy's launching a nationwide breakfast menu on Monday, McDonald's is heading into the breakfast battle by declaring Monday, March 2, National Egg McMuffin Day. McDonald's is inviting guests to celebrate by getting a free Egg McMuffin from 6-10:30 AM. To redeem the offer, customers need to download the McDonald's mobile app. “While we’re giving the Egg McMuffin its moment, we’re really honoring our breakfast fans who have woken up with McDonald’s breakfast for nearly 50 years. And we just thought, ‘hey, why not declare March 2 as National Egg McMuffin Day?’,” said David Tovar, Vice President of U.S. Communications. McDonald's also released 5 crave-worthy reasons why consumers will want to start their day with an Egg McMuffin.
The declaration of National Egg McMuffin Day could potentially disrupt Wendy's launch of their new breakfast menu, also being released on March 2nd. Wendy's breakfast menu brings a fresh twist to familiar flavors and pays homage to Wendy's fan favorites. The menu features items like...
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