Cell-Based/Cultured Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Makers Form Coalition
Five cutting-edge food companies who are looking to bring cell-based/cultured meat, poultry and seafood to restaurants and retail shelves in the United States announced today they have formed the Alliance for Meat, Poultry & Seafood Innovation (AMPS Innovation), a coalition focused on educating consumers and stakeholders about their new industry and advocating for a clear path to market for their products. Founding member companies include BlueNalu and Finless Foods, makers of cell-based/cultured seafood; and Fork & Goode and JUST, makers of cell-based/cultured meat and poultry; and Memphis Meats, which is making cell-based/cultured meat, poultry and seafood.
Cell-based/cultured meat, poultry and seafood is real meat grown outside the animal, directly from animal cells. This means the companies are able to produce only the muscle, fat, skin and connective tissue that is typically eaten, without...
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