Church's Chicken Offers New Spicy Tenders LTO
Fried chicken with a spicy kick that's not only hot, but flavorful too, is a Church's Chicken® tradition that's been going strong for 66 years and counting. It started with guests squeezing the juice of a jalapeño pepper over the brand's hand-battered fried chicken, but it hasn't stopped there. Today, Church's menu still prominently features jalapeño peppers, but also includes the brand's one-of-a-kind Spicy Chicken recipe made from a signature blend of red pepper, cracked black pepper, chipotle, and habanero peppers, in addition to jalapeño peppers. The bold, Texas-inspired heat and savory flavor is a big fan favorite with guests, but what many don't know is that there's a Church's menu "secret" for...
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